This means honey and it's a masculine word so "the honey" is DER HONIG.
I still can't get remember a big chunk of genders in German and so half the time I'm probably talking crap. I suppose honey in French is also masculine but that's no guide as there's little consistency from one language to another. The other thing is, of course, that "der" is also used as the definite article for feminine nouns in the dative and genetive and for anything genetive in the plural. So, for example, you've got "die Schule" for "the school" but if you're in the school, you'd say "Ich bin in der Schule". Well, it's all very logical but then if you can't remember if it was "der Honig" in the first place then you compound your error if you say ask someone if they've seen the honey, which is then "Hast du den Honig gesehen". But if you thought it was "die Honig" then you're left wondering if you shouldn't have said "Hast du die Honig gesehen". And you end up sounding like a bit of a cretin all because of that one little piece of knowledge. German has that nasty habit of making you feel just a little bit thick.
Anyway, der Honig it is.