This post was written 10 years ago.
Sun, 14 Dec 2014
KLASSE means "class" as you may have guessed. It's also used when you're impressed with something, in the sense that it's "great" or "class". Great lingo to use if you're a footballer: "Das ist klasse!"..."That's great."
But be careful as KLASSE in an educational sense only refers to a classroom. An actual lesson, which we might call "a class", is STUNDE, which means an "hour" in English. But German being sometimes such a straightforward language, LERNEN means "to learn" and LEHRER is "teacher" and LEHRLING is a "pupil". So whereas English uses a number of different words, German has the same root.
But before you think I'm giving German an easy ride, then you've got the word UNTERRICHT, which means "teaching" or "instruction".
This post was written 10 years ago, which in internet time is really, really old. This means that what is written above, and the links contained within, may now be obsolete, inaccurate or wildly out of context, so please bear that in mind :)